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    Caring Adult Survey  

    What is a caring adult?

    It is important that you feel that you always have an adult in the school that you can go to, talk to, or get assistance from.  This “someone” is called your Caring Adult.  

    Some examples of times when you may need someone to talk to are: if you are being teased, bullied, if you are having difficulties in a class, if you are having academic struggles, if you are having social/emotional issues, or if need to talk to someone about what is going on at home.  

    Please give this some serious thought.

    Please state the name of one staff member in the building that you feel could be your “caring adult” (someone you feel comfortable speaking to).  Your caring adult may be the Principal,  a teacher,  a custodian, your guidance counselor, or any other staff member at WESS. 

    © 2023 West Elgin Secondary School, 139 Graham St., West Lorne N0L 2P0. Tel. 519-768-1350, Fax 519-768-0534, westelgin@tvdsb.ca, Superintendent: P. Sydor, Trustees: M. Ruddock, B. Smith